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Adjusting Tips for Credit Card Sales

You can only adjust tips for credit card sales before the batch is settled. The tip cannot be adjusted if the transaction was completed through a EMV reader.  Additionally, a tip cannot be adjusted if using a non-EMV reader, and  your Signature Capture setting is set to digital.  This is because digital signature capture allows a customer to enter their own tip amount and tips entered by customers are not allowed to be changed by store employees.

Note: You can adjust the tip from another device if the shift that the transaction was performed in has been closed. You can adjust the tip if the shift is open ONLY if adjusting the tip from the same device where the transaction was performed.

Adjusting tips for a completed credit card sale

  1. Tap the Recall or Reprint button at the bottom of the Point of Sale screen.
  1. Tap on the appropriate ticket from the Completed tickets area of the screen.

User-added image

Too many tickets?  Tap My tickets to view just your completed tickets or enter the ticket number or customer's name in the search bar.

  1. Tap Adjust Tip

    Tickets list

  2. Enter the corrected tip amount and tap Done.

    Tip adjustment menu